Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Creating The Right Conditions For Losing Weight Part 2

Part 1 of Creating The Right Conditions For Losing Weight was about the right physical condition. Part 2 is about creating the right mental condition to get to your ideal weight. Both parts are important but for a successful weight loss program (lose the weight and keep it off) I believe 80% is mental and just 20% is physical. Obviously if you are not eating correctly the weight will not come off but if your program is too hard you will quit, go back to your old habits and your same weight. That’s what yoyo dieting is. You know you need to lose the weight so you start your favorite program, get fast results in the beginning then it becomes too hard or boring and you go back to your old habits. This makes the weight loss companies happy because they know you will be a returning customer. They know you and your money will keep coming back. The fact is 80% - 95% of people will fail on their diets. Getting your mind in the right place doesn’t happen overnight but when it does, getting to your ideal weight and staying there becomes easy.

The 1st thing you need to do is actually be ready to change. A diet is just a temporary change in how you eat until you reach your ideal weight. Most people start out by saying they need to lose a certain amount of weight but don’t allow enough time because they can’t wait to get off their diet and go back to how they want to eat. Anything over 20 lbs you need to mentally prepare yourself to diet between 60 and 120 consecutive days. If you get to your ideal weight sooner then you can stop but be willing to do the 120 consecutive days. If you are not at your ideal weight yet re-evaluate and set another range 20 to 40 days more to get to you ideal weight. It needs to be an honest assessment of how long it’s going to take. Remember 1 day of cheating can set you back 1-5 days (depending what you did), your program becomes longer and you will probably not be able to get to your ideal weight and stay there.

Once you start your program the next thing you need to do mentally is to start believing a new truth. The truth is dieting is easy when you know how to do it. A majority of people believe dieting is hard. Is that the truth or an opinion? Most people believe it’s the truth but I believe it’s an opinion and dieting is actually easy and kind of fun if you know how to do it. Technically it is an opinion but can you imagine how much easier it would be to get to your ideal weight and stay there if you truly 100% believed that it was easy? How does this change in belief happen? It does not happen over night. It takes time. Everything you have seen and experienced in life up to this point has taught you that losing weight is hard. Dieting is not fun. It’s a hard belief to change but possible and necessary if you want to succeed with your weight loss goals. It’s possible to learn this reality yourself but it is much easier and more practical to be taught by some one who already believes dieting is easy and has the story and pictures to prove it.

The way we help you change your belief about dieting starts in the planning stages of your Weight Release Plan. Every day you learn something knew. The 1st 20 days of any diet are the easiest and is even easier when you are doing it with a partner who has already accomplished what you want to accomplish. The 1st 20 days is the foundation for the 1st part of your program for getting to your ideal weight. Once you are at your ideal weight your race is only ½ over. The next part of your program is where the real mental transformation takes place. With the support and experience of your Weight Release Partner, by keeping your weight in your ideal range that will be enough proof and evidence for you to believe that your weight loss experience was easy and you will believe like I do that losing weight is easy when you know how to do it.

Mastering the mental part of dieting takes over a year but once you have it you will never have to worry about being over weight again. 21st Century Weight Release is affordable to almost anyone who is serious about being at their ideal weight. Around January 10th I am going to go off my maintenance program and go on full blown release phase. My 2011 weight range was between 165-185 lbs which I successfully maintained. I am going to set a new low of 160 lbs (which I haven’t been since I was 15) and 177 lbs for my high. I noticed when I was over 180 lbs I looked a little chubby with my shirt off especially in the love handle area. So to make this goal easier I am lowering my low by 5 lbs and adjusting my weight cushion by 3 lbs. I am use to having a weight cushion of 20 lbs but will now have to manage a 17 lb cushion. I am assuming I will be around 175 lbs on Jan 10 so to lose my last 15 lbs I will plan on releasing for 60-90 days. Once I hit 160 I will do a special 3 day cleanse (not to lose more weight but to rest my digestive system) and then go on weight management for the rest of my life. This would be a great time to learn how to release weight. Call me at 310 413-1746 for more information.

Richard Perry
21st Century Weight Release
"Without a partner it’s not real Weight Release"

The Founder of 21st Century Weight Release has been overweight from 1988-2010 from usually between 20-40 pounds. In 1998 Richard's father died at 67 years old from a heart attack. He also was between 20 & 40 pounds overweight. In his late 50's he started treatment for high cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes. According to statistics being overweight put him at a higher risk for all those conditions and those conditions put him at a higher risk for a heart attack which is what killed him at a young age. So it was a matter of life and death that Richard got to his normal weight or he would increase his risk of ending up like his father. So from 1998 through 2010 Richard tried many diets and failed to get there. He came close but always went back up. Richard has been working on a Weight Release System since 2008 and finally succeeded in 2010. Richard was looking for a way for people like himself who are serious about there weight to make it easier to get there and stay there and that is the Story of the founding of 21st Century Weight Release. Weight Release is just a theory for you reading this but for Richard it is a Fact. Richard is the 1st and only 21st Century Weight Release Expert and is looking forward to helping people reach that level. It’s a matter of life and death.

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